Work With Me

Interested in working with me?

If you're interested in a reading, please head over to my Book a Reading page.

I also offer the services below. Please reach out to with any questions or ideas.


I have worked as a freelance content writer for 6+ years, including in the astrology space. I have experience writing astrology content from the beginner to the advanced level, including in-depth knowledge of SEO to improve your brand's visibility and traffic. I do not write content for exposure. Please inquire for rates.

Teaching and Workshops

After working one-on-one with clients, teaching is my second love. I provide both in-person and virtual workshops and workshop series ranging from sign overviews to more complex planetary aspects and special topics (such as Lilith in the birth chart). I may also have availability for one-on-one or small group classes and mentorships. Please inquire for availability and rates.


I provide astrology services for in-person events. Most commonly, this involves providing mini-readings, but I'm open to other ideas as well. Please inquire for rates.

I look forward to hearing from you!